Dodatak:Popis vrsta:Hsu
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- Taksoni:
Hsuchuangia , Hsuidae , Hsuuidae , Hsuum
†Hsuchuangia Lu and Zhu 1983
[uredi | uredi kôd]- †Hsuchuangia angustilimbata Meng 1977
- †Hsuchuangia elongata Qiu 1983
- †Hsuchuangia hsuchuangensis Lu 1953
- †Hsuchuangia huoshanensis Zhang and Wang 1985
- †Hsuchuangia longiceps Lu and Zhu 2001
- †Hsuchuangia luliangshanensis Zhang and Wang 1985
Animalia → Arthropoda → Trilobita → Ptychopariida → Crepicephalidae
- Rodovi: Hsuum, Linaresia, Parahsuum, Pseudohsuum, Semihsuum, Transhsuum
Chromista → Radiozoa → Polycystina → Nassellaria → Archaeodictyomitracea
- †Hsuum acutum Yeh 1987
- †Hsuum altile Hori and Otsuka 1989
- †Hsuum amabile Aita 1985
- †Hsuum arabicum Dumitrica 1997
- †Hsuum arenaense Whalen and Carter 2002
- †Hsuum belliatulum Pessagno, Jr. and Whalen 1982
- †Hsuum brevicostatum Ozvoldova 1975
- †Hsuum cuestaense Pessagno 1977
- †Hsuum feliformis Jud 1994
- †Hsuum gratum Yeh 1987
- †Hsuum lucidum Yeh 1987
- †Hsuum lupheri Pessagno, Jr. and Whalen 1982
- †Hsuum matsuokai Isozaki and Matsuda 1985
- †Hsuum maxwelli Pessagno 1977
- †Hsuum mclaughlini Pessagno and Blome 1984
- †Hsuum mirabundum Pessagno, Jr. and Whalen 1982
- †Hsuum modicum Yeh 2011
- †Hsuum mulleri Pessagno, Jr. and Whalen 1982
- †Hsuum optimum Carter et al. 1988
- †Hsuum parasolense Pessagno, Jr. and Whalen 1982
- †Hsuum parvulum Yeh 1987
- †Hsuum plectocostatum Gorican et al. 2006
- †Hsuum robustum Pessagno, Jr. and Whalen 1982
- †Hsuum rosebudense Pessagno, Jr. and Whalen 1982
- †Hsuum rutogense Yang and Wang 1990
- †Hsuum tamanense Yang 1993
Chromista → Radiozoa → Polycystina → Nassellaria → Archaeodictyomitracea → Hsuidae