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Kulturalni kršćani

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Otvoreni britanski ateist Richard Dawkins u nekoliko intervjua naziva sebe "kulturalnim kršćaninom".[1][2]

Kulturalni kršćani su nereligiozne osobe (deisti, panteisti, agnostici, ateisti i sl.) koje se čvrsto drže kršćanske kulture i tradicije. Ova vrsta identifikacije može biti posljedica različitih čimbenika, kao što su obiteljska pozadina, osobna iskustva, društveno i kulturno okruženje u kojem su odrastali.[3]

Suprotni izrazi su "biblijski kršćanin",[4] "aktivni, prakticirajući kršćanin"[5] ili "vjerujući kršćanin".[6]

Rano suvremeno doba

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Deisti iz 18. i početka 19. stoljeća, poput Napoleona i raznih očeva osnivača Sjedinjenih Američkih Država, smatraju se dijelom kršćanske kulture, usprkos njihovoj sumnji u božansku prirodu Isusa.[7][8][9][10][11]

Suvremena Europa

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U 21. stoljeću, otvoreni britanski ateist Richard Dawkins u nekoliko intervjua naziva sebe "kulturalnim kršćaninom" i "kulturalnim anglikancem".[1][2][12][13]

Vidi još

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  1. a b Dawkins: I'm a cultural Christian. BBC News. 10. prosinca 2007. Pristupljeno 1. ožujka 2008.
  2. a b Q&A with Richard Dawkins: ‘I guess I’m a cultural Christian’. Charleston City Paper. 4. ožujka 2013. Inačica izvorne stranice arhivirana 7. ožujka 2013. Pristupljeno 6. prosinca 2018.
  3. James D. Mallory, Stanley C. Baldwin, The kink and I: a psychiatrist's guide to untwisted living, 1973, p. 64
  4. Patrick Morley, The Man in the Mirror: Solving the 24 Problems Men Face (1997), Biblical Christian or Cultural Christian?
  5. Richard W. Rousseau, Christianity and Judaism: the deepening dialogue (1983), p. 112
  6. Postmodern theology: Christian faith in a pluralist world, Harper & Row, 1989 [1]. Joseph C. Aldrich, Life-style evangelism: crossing traditional boundaries to reach the unbelieving world, 1983 [2]
  7. Jayne, Allen. 2000. Jefferson's Declaration of Independence: Origins, Philosophy and Theology traces TJ's sources and emphasizes his incorporation of Deist theology into the Declaration.
  8. Franklin, Benjamin. 1958. [1771] Autobiography and other writings. Riverside. Cambridge. str. 52 CS1 održavanje: nepreporučeni parametar - origyear (pomoć)
  9. Olson, Roger. 19. listopada 2009. The Mosaic of Christian Belief: Twenty Centuries of Unity and Diversity. InterVarsity Press. Other Deists and natural religionists who considered themselves Christians in some sense of the word included Thomas Jefferson and Benjamin Franklin.
  10. Boller, Paul F. 1996. Not so!: popular myths about America from Columbus to Clinton. str. 31
  11. Boller, Paul F. 1963. George Washington & religion. Google Books. str. 16. Pristupljeno 5. ožujka 2011.. ...the father of his country... died as he had lived, in dignity and peace; but he left behind him not one word to warrant the belief that he was other than a sincere deist
  12. Richard Dawkins: I Guess I'm a Cultural Christian. Christian Post. 4. ožujka 2013. Pristupljeno 5. ožujka 2013.
  13. Richard Dawkins calls himself a Cultural Christian!. YouTube. Retrieved on 2009-04-07.