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Ljubičasta linija (1914.)

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Ljubičasta linija bila je granična linija dogovorena između Ujedinjenog Kraljevstva i Osmanskog Carstva u ožujku 1914.[1][2] Bila je nastavak Plave linije dogovorene na Anglo-osmanskoj konvenciji 1913. godine, a odnosila se na granicu između osmanskog jemenskog vilajeta i britanskih Adenskih protektorata. Zajedno s Plavom linijom, Ljubičasta linija je podijelila arapski poluotok na dva dijela.


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  1. Richard Schofield. 31. ožujka 1999. Negotiating the Saudi-Yemeni international boundary. Al-Bab. Pristupljeno 30. ožujka 2020.
  2. Harry Brown. Listopad 1994. The Iraq-Kuwait boundary dispute: historical background and the UN decisions of 1992 and 1993. IBRU Boundary and Security Bulletin. Inačica izvorne stranice arhivirana 9. listopada 2020. Pristupljeno 1. travnja 2020.

Daljnje čitanje

[uredi | uredi kôd]
  • Anscombe, Frederick F. The Ottoman Gulf: the creation of Kuwait, Saudi Arabia, and Qatar New York: Columbia University Press, 1997.
  • Kelly, J.B. Eastern Arabian Frontiers New York: Frederick A Praeger, 1964.
  • Kelly, J.B. Sovereignty and Jurisdiction in Eastern Arabia International Affairs (Royal Institute of International Affairs) 34.4 (1958): 16-24.
  • Hurewitz, J.C., ed. The Middle East and North Africa in World Politics: A Documentary Record, 2nd edn. Vol. 1: European Expansion, 1535-1914. New Haven: Yale University Press, 1975, pp.567-570.
  • Schofield, Richard. Kuwait and Iraq: Historical and Territorial Disputes. London: Chatham House, 1991.
  • Slot, B.J. Mubarak al-Sabah: Founder of Modern Kuwait 1896-1915. Arabian Publishing Ltd, 2005.
  • Tallon, James N. "Allies and Adversaries: Anglo-Ottoman Boundary Negotiation in the Middle East, 1906–1914" in Justin Q. Olmsted Britain in the Islamic World Imperial and Post-Imperial Connections London: Palgrave, 2019, 89-105.
  • Wilkinson, John C. Arabia’s Frontiers: The Story of Britain’s Boundary Drawing in the Desert, London: I.B. Taurus & Co Ltd, 1991, 100-108.