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  • diplomatskih odnosa s drugim suverenim državama. Opinions of the Badinter Arbitration Committee at the European Journal of International Law A Brief Primer...
    3 KB (350 riječi) - 09:12, 17. lipnja 2022.
  • Thumbnail for Budislav Vukas
    Law of the Sea: Judge Budislav Vukas, ITLOS/Press 69, 2. listopada 2002. (engl.) JURIS Arbitration Law: Budislav Vukas Katalog HAZU: Vukas, Budislav...
    6 KB (482 riječi) - 05:28, 26. veljače 2024.
  • Thumbnail for Guayana Esequiba
    ia-cartografica-de-los.html Treaty of arbitration between Venezuela and Great Britain, signed at Washington and dated the second day of February, 1897...
    60 KB (6.432 riječi) - 14:11, 12. lipnja 2024.