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  • Did It. Gawker. Pristupljeno 26. svibnja 2012. Vatican: Pope's butler moved to house arrest. BBC News Online. 21. srpnja 2012. Pristupljeno 22. srpnja...
    14 KB (1 riječ) - 00:16, 12. siječnja 2023.
  • Thumbnail for Kurdi
    »The Arab Rawadid tribe, which moved into Kurdistan at the beginning of the Abbasid era (750 CE) was considered to be Kurdish within 200 years, although...
    251 KB (20.760 riječi) - 22:14, 26. ožujka 2024.
  • Thumbnail for Napoleonski ratovi
    Pristupljeno 24. veljače 2024.. Negotiations moved swiftly, and at the end of April the U.S. envoys agreed to pay $11,250,000 and assumed claims of its citizens...
    414 KB (1 riječ) - 17:04, 20. lipnja 2024.