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  • Thumbnail for David H. Levy
    (pristupljeno 7. svibnja 2020.) Minor Planet Center Discovery Circumstances: Numbered Minor Planets (1)-(5000) (pristupljeno 7. svibnja 2020.) Osobne stranice...
    1 KB (133 riječi) - 21:47, 21. prosinca 2022.
  • Thumbnail for (300163) 2006 VW139
    CdR – Observatoire de Genève, Raoul Behrend Discovery Circumstances: Numbered Minor Planets (300001)-(305000) – Minor Planet Center AstDyS-2, Asteroids—Dynamic...
    13 KB (1 riječ) - 08:03, 3. siječnja 2022.
  • Thumbnail for Deconstruction
    s EP-a Infinity/Christeen + 4 Demos te dio teksta preuzima iz pjesme "Numbered!" s albuma Addicted. Tekstovi i glazba: Devin Townsend.  Deconstruction...
    9 KB (689 riječi) - 20:03, 17. lipnja 2024.
  • Thumbnail for David Tennant
    Sarah. 7. prosinca 2005. David Tennant: His days of blissful anonymity are numbered. The Independent. Inačica izvorne stranice arhivirana 1. siječnja 2009...
    10 KB (1.006 riječi) - 17:11, 24. lipnja 2022.
  • Thumbnail for Asteroidi
    Asteroidi Astronomska sekcija Fizikalnog društva Split – Asteroidi i meteoridi Discovery Circumstances: Numbered Minor Planets Asteroid Observing Services...
    36 KB (4.322 riječi) - 16:48, 5. svibnja 2024.
  • Thumbnail for Ogamsko pismo
    impossible to change the order of letters in ogham, given that it is a numbered series of strokes. In other words, to change N from the third to the fifth...
    17 KB (1.864 riječi) - 22:09, 29. travnja 2024.
  • Thumbnail for Addicted
    »Supercrush!«   5:13 5. »Hyperdrive!«   3:36 6. »Resolve!«   3:12 7. »Ih-Ah!«   3:45 8. »The Way Home!«   3:14 9. »Numbered!«   4:55 10. »Awake!!«   9:44 47:01...
    9 KB (565 riječi) - 19:58, 17. lipnja 2024.