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  • Thumbnail for Klinopis
    of the Plain. HarperCollins. str. str. 47. ISBN 0-00-712899-1 Online Translator - Prevodi engleske riječi i rečenice na drevno asirski, babilonsko i sumersko...
    3 KB (340 riječi) - 15:37, 18. veljače 2024.
  • Thumbnail for Celij
    Founding of the City: Book 1: The Earliest Legends of Rome. Canon Roberts (translator). Pristupljeno 31. prosinca 2017. Livije, Book One Samuel Ball Platner...
    2 KB (154 riječi) - 19:10, 2. siječnja 2022.
  • French, Italian translator A grammar of Macedonian by Victor Friedman Macedonian — English, Greek, Albanian, German, French, Italian translator BBC Education...
    15 KB (1.135 riječi) - 07:36, 19. veljače 2024.
  • Thumbnail for Tempera
    (0-295-98190-3) Softcover, University of Washington Press Daniel V. Thompson, Jr. (translator), Cennino de Cennini, Il Libro Dell' Arte, Dover, the most well known...
    4 KB (449 riječi) - 17:23, 23. travnja 2024.
  • Thumbnail for Atal II.
    ISBN 0-8014-0615-3 (engl.) Polibije, Histories, Evelyn S. Shuckburgh (translator); London, New York. Macmillan (1889); Reprint Bloomington (1962)(engl...
    3 KB (352 riječi) - 00:22, 3. siječnja 2022.
  • Thumbnail for Eumen I.
    1-4051-3278-7. text(engl.) Livy, History of Rome, Rev. Canon Roberts (translator), Ernest Rhys (Ed.); (1905) London: J. M. Dent & Sons, Ltd. (engl.) Pausanias...
    3 KB (349 riječi) - 18:39, 30. travnja 2024.
  • University, 1966), str. 39 Text and translation in in David L. Appleyard (translator), Letters from Ethiopian Rulers (Early and Mid-Nineteenth Century) (Oxford:...
    5 KB (1 riječ) - 15:51, 16. lipnja 2024.
  • Thumbnail for Srednji vijek
    23 (3): 278–310. JSTOR 2504985 Gurevich, Aron. 1992. Howlett, Janet (translator) (ur.). Historical Anthropology of the Middle Ages. University of Chicago...
    160 KB (18.878 riječi) - 10:59, 6. lipnja 2024.
  • Thumbnail for Nasirudin Tusi
    page 44, OCLC 66527483 Nasir ad-Din Tusi (1964) The Nasirean Ethics (translator: G.M. Wickens). London: Allen & Unwin, p. 42 (emphasis added). Alakbarli...
    28 KB (3.207 riječi) - 04:29, 13. studenoga 2023.
  • Thumbnail for Alfred Rosenberg
    Internet Archive Tragakiss, Tamara. 23. studenoga 2005. Morris Resident Was Translator During Nuremberg War Trials. The Litchfield County Times. Hearst Media...
    78 KB (8.350 riječi) - 16:41, 2. veljače 2024.