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Razgovor sa suradnikom:Kapeter77

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Welcome to Wikipedia in the Croatian language − The Free Encyclopedia!

Hi Kapeter77! Here are some pages that you might find helpful:

Welcome, again! MateoKatanaCRO (razgovor) 10:14, 4. studenoga 2018. (CET)[odgovori]

Don't speak Croatian? Place {{Suradnik hr-0}} on your user and/or your talk page.


[uredi kôd]

Dobro došli na Wikipediju! Drago nam je što doprinosite Wikipediji, no skrećemo pozornost na činjenicu da je službeni jezik na hrvatskoj Wikipediji − hrvatski jezik. Želite li pisati na nekom drugom jeziku, što ste učinili u članku Razgovor:Margitin otok, molimo vas odaberite odgovarajuću inačicu Wikipedije gdje je taj jezik službeni. --MateoKatanaCRO (razgovor) 10:15, 4. studenoga 2018. (CET)[odgovori]

Dobro došli na Wikipediju, zahvaljujemo na vašem testiranju. Vaš je test uspio i upravo je uklonjen. Ako želite i dalje testirati, činite to na stranici za vježbanje, a možete i pogledati kratki uvodni tečaj za više informacija o uređivanju na Wikipediji. Ako se niste do sada prijavili možete to učiniti ovdje. Hvala na razumijevanju.--Tulkas Astaldo (razgovor) 20:58, 27. studenoga 2019. (CET)[odgovori]

Margitin otok

[uredi kôd]

Why did you take out my English language link from the article? Kapeter77 (razgovor) 21:01, 27. studenoga 2019. (CET)[odgovori]

We do not put links to other languages in articles.--Tulkas Astaldo (razgovor) 21:05, 27. studenoga 2019. (CET)[odgovori]
Tulkas Astaldo It is not true, links can be in any language and there is no good Croatian language link to these things. Or if there is, please find.

And what about the other deletion??? Kapeter77 (razgovor) 21:09, 27. studenoga 2019. (CET)[odgovori]

Well, if you wanted to add external links you could do it. Joust add external links.

And what about the other deletion??? In this change you did not make any improvement, on the contrary.--Tulkas Astaldo (razgovor) 21:40, 27. studenoga 2019. (CET)[odgovori]

Kapeter77 Then dont delete but ADD. And the panorama picture is tooooo big, ok, Wiki is not a picture book. Kapeter77 (razgovor) 21:46, 27. studenoga 2019. (CET)[odgovori]
Please, do not write in upper case letters. You could add external links like it is recommanded here. Yes, I know that wiki is not a picture book. But nice panorama picture in the end of the article is not any kind of obstacle to read the article without any problem. Thank you for understanding--Tulkas Astaldo (razgovor) 23:56, 27. studenoga 2019. (CET)[odgovori]
Tulkas Astaldo No problem with nice pics but that one is too big and there are a lot of other pictures there while hardly any sources. I just ask you to find then more Croatian sources and links if that article is in Croatian. Kapeter77 (razgovor) 01:15, 28. studenoga 2019. (CET)[odgovori]
It seams that we don't understand eachother. There is no any kind of problem in adding external links or references in other languages. You are free to add those anytime. You are not only free but I encorage you to do so. Thank you for understanding--Tulkas Astaldo (razgovor) 13:24, 28. studenoga 2019. (CET)[odgovori]
Tulkas Astaldo In my view the same is true for internal links 'couse Wiki is an international project. But if you do not like it, make the Croation version. And the other thing is about the picture which is too big for an article. Kapeter77 (razgovor) 13:29, 28. studenoga 2019. (CET)[odgovori]
I repeat: There is no any kind of problem in adding external links or references in other languages. You are free to add those anytime. You are not only free but I encorage you to do so. Of course according to this page. It seams that big panorama picture didn't bother you a year ago. --Tulkas Astaldo (razgovor) 14:13, 28. studenoga 2019. (CET)[odgovori]
Tulkas Astaldo You don't answer my claims. But its up to you, I cannot do any more to improve the page. Kapeter77 (razgovor) 18:37, 28. studenoga 2019. (CET)[odgovori]
I answered the best I could. It seams to me that You could improve the page.--Tulkas Astaldo (razgovor) 21:01, 28. studenoga 2019. (CET)[odgovori]

Uputa (stranice za razgovor)

[uredi kôd]

Sadržaj stranica za razgovor se ne briše, nego arhivira. Ovdje je sve točno objašnjeno. --Mateo K 01 (razgovor) 21:52, 27. studenoga 2019. (CET)[odgovori]


[uredi kôd]

Pozdrav, cijenimo Vaše doprinose na Wikipediji i stoga Vas molimo da prije nego što snimite svoje promjene na stranici uporabite tipku Prikaži kako će izgledati koja se nalazi pored tipke Sačuvaj stranicu. Tako ćete odmah vidjeti što ste napravili i moći ispraviti eventualne pogrješke. Prečestim snimanjem raznih sitnica zatrpava se stranica nedavnih promjena. Tipka je prikazana na slici desno. Ako namjeravate raditi veće izmjene ili pisati duži tekst, bolje je da prvo kopirate stari tekst stranice na svoje računalo (u Notepad ili neki drugi program), tamo ga uredite, a zatim konačnu inačicu iskopirate u prozor za izmjenu teksta stranice. Hvala na razumijevanju.--Tulkas Astaldo (razgovor) 09:57, 29. studenoga 2019. (CET)[odgovori]


[uredi kôd]

Hi! So many things went wrong. Mainly because most of things you wanted to change did not have place to conect on, example: there is no article/list of presidents of Hungary so this 1, this 2 and this 3 (and more) changes and do not show correctly in saved changes. Also tempering with infobox in this change. I could go behinde you and make corrections but you made it difficult because 10 changes with mistakes is easier to remove than to fix. Please use button for showing Prikaži kako će izgledati how will article look before saving changes. Hope this explaines. Have a nice day. --Domjanovic (razgovor) 14:23, 29. studenoga 2019. (CET)[odgovori]

Domjanovic Thank you for your help. Kapeter77 (razgovor) 14:29, 29. studenoga 2019. (CET)[odgovori]