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Razgovor sa suradnikom:Petrb

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Izvor: Wikipedija


[uredi kôd]
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Petrb, dobro došli na Wikipediju na hrvatskom jeziku, započetu 16. veljače 2003. godine – slobodnu enciklopediju!

Pozivamo vas na sudjelovanje u rastu ove svima dostupne enciklopedije na hrvatskom standardnom jeziku.

Ovdje su neke od stranica koje bi vam mogle pomoći:

  • Wikipedija − što je Wikipedija, povijest i organizacija projekta
  • Izvori − kako uspješno činiti Wikipediju boljom!
  • Slikeobvezno pročitati prije postavljanja bilo kakvih slika

Ako želite vježbati možete to raditi na stranici za vježbanje, u slučaju da vam zatreba pomoć učinite slijedeće:

Svoje doprinose na člancima ne potpisujte, dok komentare na pripadajućim stranicama za razgovor, suradničkim stranicama i Kafiću molimo potpisujte tako što ćete pritisnuti gumbić ili na alatnoj vrpci ili napisati 4 tilde (tilda = 4x istovremeno tipke AltGr + tipka s brojem 1), što kod uređivanja izgleda ovako ~~~~.
Vlastitu suradničku stranicu (onu koja se zove "Suradnik:Petrb") možete uređivati po svojoj želji u skladu s pravilima uređivanja suradničke stranice (npr. asketski ili šminkerski).

Molimo Vas, ne stavljajte zaštićene radove bez dopuštenja! Nemojte izravno kopirati sadržaje s drugih web stranica ako nemate izričito dopuštenje. Ako imate dopuštenje, napišite to na stranici za razgovor ili jednostavno dodajte ovdje. No, obvezno to napravite prije nego započnete s pisanjem preuzetog teksta. Molimo uočite da se svi doprinosi Wikipediji smatraju dualno licencirani, pod Creative Commons Imenovanje-Dijeli pod istim uvjetima 3.0 i GFDL licencijom. Ako ne želite da se vaše pisanje nemilosrdno uređuje i slobodno raspačava, nemojte ga ovamo slati. Također nam obećavate da ćete ono što ćete napisati sami napisati, ili ćete to prepisati iz nečeg što je u javnom vlasništvu ili pod sličnom slobodnom licencijom.

If you don't speak Croatian: This is the welcome message sent to new users of hr.wikipedia

Još jednom, dobro došli! SpeedyGonsales 15:25, 20. svibnja 2013. (CEST)[odgovori]

Administrators and haste

[uredi kôd]

I would like that you wouldn't be so hastily next time, I think administrators should be allowed to think things through. SpeedyGonsales 15:28, 20. svibnja 2013. (CEST)[odgovori]

Extraedit buttons

[uredi kôd]

You wrote on your page: I am a wikimedia developer Petr Bena - should you need anything to me, feel free to contact me on talk page!, and yes, we (users of hr wikipedia) actually need developers help:

  • we have problems with extraedit buttons, they sometimes hide, sometimes are there, and that is extremely annoying, as some users have over 20 buttons and are not so productive without their buttons/shortcuts!

I know that mediawiki and JS hooks need to change over time, but not keeping changes backward compatible is not clear to me, and although I have some knowledge of JS, I don't have time&insight in inner working so can't provide immediate help. As obviously you provide assistance where it is not necessarily needed, I hope you will provide it also here, where it is long time overdue (weeks overdue). Thanks in advance! SpeedyGonsales 15:56, 20. svibnja 2013. (CEST)[odgovori]

Hi, thank you for your message! I agree with you that mediawiki has problems with backward compatibility. The best place to address your problems is definitely a wikimedia bugzilla: you can report not just mediawiki bugs there, but also a specific issues in regard with wikimedia installations. I don't know what exactly you mean by "extraedit" button, but it sounds to me like some javascript problem to me. (Maybe some local customization that is broken?). Regarding the edit of css on this wiki - the requestor sent you a message a while ago and as he received no response, he contacted someone else, given that this project is rather smaller I considered this issue to be overlooked. If you disagree with removal of anniversary logo, you can always revert my edit. Thank you for your welcome! Petrb (razgovor) 16:28, 20. svibnja 2013. (CEST)[odgovori]
I suppose you mean this script you have problems with? anyway I recommend you to "gadgetize" stuff like this, which would be then put to central gadget repository and supervised by other devs in order to keep it compatible with latest version of mediawiki... Petrb (razgovor) 16:35, 20. svibnja 2013. (CEST)[odgovori]
I mean something like this: Suradnik:SpeedyGonsales/extratoolbarbuttons.js invoked by this Suradnik:SpeedyGonsales/common.js (just importScript('Suradnik:SpeedyGonsales/extratoolbarbuttons.js');). SpeedyGonsales 14:52, 21. svibnja 2013. (CEST)[odgovori]

Jubilee: celebration that lasts whole year

[uredi kôd]

[1] Petrb, jubilees are celebrated for a whole year. This is not something unusual, it's normal thing here. Understand us Mediterraneans. E.g., the city of Split has marked its 1700-th anniversary for ten years; one of reasons is because the core of the city, Diocletian's palace, was built in a period of ten years. Other important jubilees are celebrated for a year; the peak is, of course, on the very date when the anniversary takes place.
Please, restore the jubilee logo. That way, we're propagating/promoting Wikipedia as project (long time existence) in our Croatian language community (the colors). We are doing that for free. We are a constant reminder of success and importance of Wikipedia among speakers of Croatian language. Kubura (razgovor) 03:39, 21. svibnja 2013. (CEST)[odgovori]

OK guys, sorry if I caused some troubles, I have done it in a good faith assuming you just forgot to remove it (based on request of someone else). I reverted the change. Have a nice day Petrb (razgovor) 11:36, 21. svibnja 2013. (CEST)[odgovori]
However, keep in mind that this is not a best way to do this, the logo can be just changed in the configuration file, instead of overriding it in css style, which may cause troubles given the way how pages are cached and some browsers might have problems with it as well. Petrb (razgovor) 11:39, 21. svibnja 2013. (CEST)[odgovori]
Unfortunately admins does not have access to LocalSettings.php, and changing stuff via bugzilla means delay from at least 1 week till few months, so Common.css is really only viable option. If you know of some other config file, please share it with us. SpeedyGonsales 14:43, 21. svibnja 2013. (CEST)[odgovori]