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Razgovor Wikipedija:Veleposlanstvo

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Ovo je stranica za razgovor za raspravu o stranici Wikipedija:Veleposlanstvo.
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Ambasador (veleposlanik) srpske Wikipedije

[uredi kôd]

Hteo bi vas pitati, koja su prava i obaveze veleposlanika drugih Wikipedija na hrvatskoj Wikipediji, imajući u vidu moju nameru da se kandidujem na srpskoj Wikipediji za ambasadora na vašoj. Srdačan pozdrav iz Beograda. --Pokrajac 01:32, 16 Dec 2004 (CET) (Moja stranica na srpskoj Wikipediji.)

Obaveza ne postoji kao riječ na wikipediji, zato ju i volim :-) Prava već mogu postojati, no o tom - po tom. Koliko ja vidim, veleposlanici su oni koji dobro znaju svoj i neki drugi jezik, pa mogu pomoći pri prevođenju/pisanju članaka koji se tiču dotičnih jezika/država (npr. veleposlanik za njemački jezik je prvi pozvan pri prevođenju članaka s njemačke wikipedije na hrvatsku i obratno). No svi mi doprinosimo wikipediji u skladu s našim slobodnim vremenom i interesom, tako da veleposlanik može postati svatko tko posjeduje kvalifikacije (znanje jezika) i spremnost pomoći drugome (ne traži se uvijek prijevod, i poznavanje kulture je važno).
Općenito, cilj wikipedije na svim jezicima svijeta jest ne diskriminirati nikoga radi jezika koji govori, zato se i formiraju wikipedije na svim jezicima za koje postoje zainteresirani korisnici (to je i smisao sh wikipedije, ako ima korisnika koji tamo žele pisati, neka pišu, mene ne smetaju). No posljedica takvog pristupa je rasap (disperzija) informacija na razne wikipedije. Jednom će se to riješiti računalnim prijevodima (npr. matična wikipedija dobiva upit, ukoliko se pojam ne nađe na matičnoj wikipediji - pretražuje se centralna baza članaka koja sadrži indeks svih članaka na svim wikipedijama, i korisniku se poslužuje popis poveznica (ukoliko je traženi pojam nađen na više wikipedija) ili jedan članak računalno preveden na jezik matične wikipedije (uz poveznicu na vrhu i dnu članka na originalni članak). SpeedyGonsales 15:07, 16 Dec 2004 (CET)

Ambasador BS Wiki

[uredi kôd]

Na zahtjev suradnika na bosanskoj wikipediji, predložio sam sebe da budem veleposlanik na hrvatskoj wikipediji. Htio bi znati kakva je Vaša politika i koja je procedura? --Kal-El 23:22, 5. travanj 2007. (CEST)

Raspravu na BS Wiki možete pogledati ovdje --Kal-El 00:00, 6. travanj 2007. (CEST)

Princip je da se veleposlanici biraju kad se za tim pokaže potreba. U dosadašnjoj suradnji wikipedije na hrvatskom i bosanskom jeziku doista se nije javila takva potreba te stoga trenutno nema prevelikih razloga za biranje veleposlanika. Također imamo i Emx-a koji se pokazao iznimno kvalitetan i marljiv ne samo u ulozi neimenovanog veleposlanika već i stalnog aktivnog suradnika. Sad kada bi samo iz razloga (navedenih ovdje) što trenutno ne postoji veleposlanik bosanske na hrvatskoj wikipediji birali veleposlanike, imali bismo veliku gužvu :-)) Tu se javlja i prethodno navedeni problem određenih kvalifikacija koje bi dotični veleposlanik trebao zadovoljavati, itd... Zato mislim da je za sada nepotrebno upuštati se u nekakve službenije odnose koji bi mogli samo zakomplicirati ovu kvalitetnu suradnju naših dviju wikipedija, LukaKrstulović 00:23, 6. travanj 2007. (CEST)

Kako vi želite.. --Kal-El 16:32, 6. travanj 2007. (CEST)


[uredi kôd]

Hello, I am a Hungarian user in Croatian wiki. I understand Croatian on intermediate level, but I have some questions about the correct usage of some Croatian terms regarding nobility:

Where to put the title and predicate (pridjevak)?

[uredi kôd]
  • For example wich one is the most correct:

grof Petar Keglevic-Buzimski/Petar grof Keglevic-Buzimski/grof Petar Keglevic od Buzima/Petar grof Keglevic od Buzima

  • If someone has a higher rank (eg. count, baron) we should also use the abbreviation "pl." or only the higher title?

I have seen for example: "barun Rudolf pl. Gortz".

  • Where is the right place of "pl.", between name and surname or between surname and predicate (pridjevak)? For example: Koloman pl. Bedekovic-Komorski or Koloman Bedekovic pl. Komorski?

Konte or grof

[uredi kôd]
  • In the case of Dalmatian families holding a Venetian title "conte", should we translate it to Croatian as "grof" or it's better to transliterate as "konte"?

In the case of women we use a female form of pridjevak?

[uredi kôd]

For example: barunica Nikolic-Podrinska or barunica Nikolic-Podrinski?

Hvala na pomoci. --Koppany 22:11, 3. svibanj 2007. (CEST)

Another editor has started two articles, en:Croatian Association of Prisoners in Serbian Concentration Camps and en:Union of Croatian Homeland War Volunteers Association, which may be deleted for not being notable. If you can expand either article, I would be grateful. You may also want to look at en:Croatian Worldwide Association --Eastmain 08:03, 23. svibanj 2007. (CEST)

Quick translation

[uredi kôd]

I'm more into helping with the technical implementation of the Wiki, but I thought it may be fitting to have my user page at least bilingual. Does anyone feel like translating the following for me: "Hello! If you wish to leave me a message, it would probably reach me sooner if you left it at my English Wikipedia talk page."? If you can, reply here, and thank you in advance for the translation. Hexagon1 (razgovor) 08:58, 3. studeni 2008. (CET)

Done, by en:User:Armchoir. Hexagon1 (razgovor) 09:12, 3. studeni 2008. (CET)


[uredi kôd]

What is matter, my babel?

And, here isn't WP:EMBASSY. --Idh0854 (razgovor) 13:28, 18. kolovoza 2010. (CEST)[odgovori]

I'm find this [1], [2], [3], [4].

I think to need of 'REDIRECT'. Thank you. --Idh0854 (razgovor) 13:47, 18. kolovoza 2010. (CEST)[odgovori]

Photo request

[uredi kôd]

Hi! I am submitting a photo request for the Croatia Airlines head office at Bani 75b, Buzin 10 010 ZAGREB CROATIA - So the article on the airline can use the image of the head office. Thank you, WhisperToMe (razgovor) 04:28, 7. veljače 2011. (CET)[odgovori]

100 Books of the Century

[uredi kôd]

Hi Croatian Embassy,
I have been translating a book list en:Le Monde's 100 Books of the Century into different languages.

Can you please tell me what this article should be called in Croatian?
Le Monde is the name of the newspaper in Paris.
In many languages, the translated title reads "The 100 Books of the Century according to Le Monde".

Thanks very much, Varlaam (razgovor) 06:01, 27. ožujka 2011. (CEST) (Toronto, Kanada)[odgovori]

But does that article meet Wikipedian criteria at all?
Personally, I'm big inclusionist. I'm not against the article, just wondering are we overstretching the limits of the criterias. Kubura (razgovor) 02:25, 2. travnja 2011. (CEST)[odgovori]

1) Yes. That is why I included the link to the enwiki page where everyone can see the <ref> to the newspaper in France.
2) I think if the other Yugo languages have this page, then Croatian should have it too. (Those other pages are not finished yet.)
3) Most European languages I have looked at have enough literary pages to make this page a useful way to join your existing literary pages together in a new way. I completed my hr page because Croatian has a lot of data now, already. On the other hand, Maltese did not have enough data; I started a Maltese page, but abandoned it.
4) I had a stroke last week and spent the week at the hospital in intensive care. A literary page in Croatian would make a sick person happy. (Cough, cough.)
Thanks, Varlaam (razgovor) 19:02, 5. travnja 2011. (CEST) (in Toronto, while he is still alive)[odgovori]
Here is what the table looks like:
# Naslov Autor Godina
1 Stranac Albert Camus 1942.
2 U traganju za izgubljenim vremenom Marcel Proust 1913.1927.
3 Proces Franz Kafka 1925.
4 Mali princ Antoine de Saint-Exupéry 1943.
My Croatian-English dictionary which I have owned for years (Langenscheidt) tells me Naslov for Title. But, in most languages, Title translates in 2 or 3 ways, and the dictionary does not tell me which one means Book title.
Varlaam (razgovor) 19:16, 5. travnja 2011. (CEST)[odgovori]
Hi again.
So, what do you think?
Do you have an idea for a good Croatian title?
Thanks, Varlaam (razgovor) 05:40, 25. travnja 2011. (CEST)[odgovori]
Hi Varlaam. The correct translation for book title is naslov. --Flopy razgovor 09:46, 25. travnja 2011. (CEST)[odgovori]
Naslov. That's great. Thank you.
But do you have an idea of what to call the page?
Varlaam (razgovor) 08:59, 14. svibnja 2011. (CEST)[odgovori]
Hello again.
Because of my brain hemorrhage in 2011, I do not remember our earlier ^^^ conversation.
My question remains:
What is a good page name in Croatian? If the English page is called "Le Monde's 100 Books of the Century".
Thank you, Varlaam (razgovor) 16:45, 12. lipnja 2013. (CEST)[odgovori]

Marine Le Pen: creation of the article in Croatian

[uredi kôd]

Good evening Croatian embassy,

The article about the French politician Marine Le Pen has versions in many foreign languages.

I am not able to create the article in Croatian since I do not speak and write this language. Could you please create a stub of this article from the English or German version ? As a MEP and a candidate for the 2012 French presidential election, she is well-known in European politics. As you can see, she figured in 71st position in the 2011 Time 100 (,29569,2066367,00.html ;,28804,2066367_2066369_2066134,00.html).

Thank you very much for your help.--Jeromemoreno (razgovor) 19:06, 25. kolovoza 2011. (CEST)[odgovori]

Article requests

[uredi kôd]

Do you do article requests in Croatian? If so, I would like to suggest an article to create. Thank you WhisperToMe (razgovor) 05:37, 10. svibnja 2012. (CEST)[odgovori] in trouble, once again, this time is worse than last year

[uredi kôd]

Hi, this is just to let you know that the dangerous law that wasn't issued last year, when we blacked-out the site, is once again under discussion at the Italian Senate. This time things seem to be much much worse than one year ago. The act is now harder and contains many more obligations, so many and so dangerous that no sysops would work at such conditions because it would definitely be too risky. Very few among our users would go on editing BLPs or "spicy" topics any more because it could be very costly: up to 100,000 euros! And any legalised troll saying that something in our articles disturbs him, would be entitled to request an addition (inside the article) which actually we are not going to accept because the troll is not required to be honest and tell the truth, any liar would be legally welcomed and we couldn't even comment... (I'm not kidding, it's incredible but true...)
Moreover, this time the approval could more probably be forced by the so-called technical government (headed by Mr. Monti), and all the bigger Italian parties toghether (Berlusconians hands in hands with former communists - both had separately tried to enforce such an act before) are working for strengthening the act. So, this time we need a critical help from anyone, we need it now because the scheduled vote on next Monday could be the last time we can freely work on We need it strong because main Italian media are simply ignoring our protest, and we can't read any news about it outside the web.
So, please, please, please, do whatever you can in order to avoid at least that this can happen in a complete silence. Inform your deputy, call the closest Italian embassy, spam your papers and/or our Senators (open individual files for addresses), use your fantasy and do whatever you think might be strongly helpful in protecting Wikipedia, starting from spreading the news across the WikiWorld.
Any little thing you can do will be vitally important for
Thank you in advance --g (talk) 00:09, 27 October 2012 (UTC)

Wikimedia Polska scholarships for Wikimania 2013

[uredi kôd]

Hello! On behalf of Wikimedia Polska (WMPL), Wikimedia's local chapter in Poland, I would like to invite those active editors of this project, who wish to take part in Wikimania 2013 in Hongkong (August 7-11), to apply for WMPL's scholarship. It is WMPL's annual tradition that we fund scholarships for Wikimania not only for Polish editors, but also for a group of Wikimedians from other former Eastern Bloc states. The scholarship covers air travel, accomodation, insurance and conference fee. If you would like to learn more or ask any questions, please visit this site. Hope to see you there! Powerek38 (razgovor) 23:45, 5. veljače 2013. (CET)[odgovori]

License check

[uredi kôd]

en: Hi, I'm in the process of checking files on eo: for copyright violations, and found that eo:Dosiero:Bitka kod Akcija.png was copied from Datoteka:Bitka kod Akcija.png which was deleted as unused here. Can an admin please look at the original description page and check if that claim is correct, and why it is claimed to be PD? Thanks.

de: Hallo, ich bin dabei, Dateien auf eo: auf Urheberrechtsverletzungen zu kontrollieren, und habe herausgefunden, dass eo:Dosiero:Bitka kod Akcija.png von Datoteka:Bitka kod Akcija.png kopiert wurde, das als "unbenutzt" hier gelöscht wurde. Kann ein Admin bitte auf die ursprüngliche Beschreibungsseite schauen und überprüfen, ob die Behauptung richtig ist, und wieso es als gemeinfrei bezeichnet wird? Danke.

eo: Saluton, mi nun kontrolas dosierojn en eo: pri kopirajt-rompoj, kaj eltrovis, ke eo:Dosiero:Bitka kod Akcija.png estis kopiita de Datoteka:Bitka kod Akcija.png, kiu estis forigita kiel neuzata tie ĉi. Ĉu administranto bonvolus rigardi la originalan priskriban paĝon kaj kontroli, ĉu la aserto ĝustas, kaj kial publik-havaĵeco estas asertata? Dankon.

hr (Google Prevoditelj): Bok, ja sam u procesu provjere datoteke na EO: za kršenje autorskih prava, te je utvrdio da eo: Dosiero: Bitka dod Akcija.png je kopiran iz vode na Datoteka:Bitka kod Akcija.png koji je izbrisan kao neiskorišteni ovdje. Može admin molimo pogledajte izvorni opis stranice i provjerite da li je tvrdnja točna, i zašto je tvrdio da se PD? Hvala. Darkweasel94 (razgovor) 22:57, 24. srpnja 2013. (CEST)[odgovori]

Image undeleted, explanation given is: map drawn by hand, based on this map - (now defunct URL). SpeedyGonsales 16:42, 28. srpnja 2013. (CEST)[odgovori]

Monuments of Spain Challenge

[uredi kôd]

Excuse me for not speaking Croatian yet.

Wikimedia España invites you to join the Monuments of Spain Challenge. And what’s that? It’s a contest. You have to edit, translate or expand articles about the Spanish monuments and you will be granted points. So you’re not just writing about wonderful buildings: you can get prizes!

The time of the contest will include all October and any information you may need is right here.

Join in and good luck!

PS: We would be grateful if you could translate this note into Croatian.

B25es on behalf of Wikimedia España.

Javād Ramezani

[uredi kôd]

Can someone check out Javād Ramezani and the talk page? The content is on the talk page, but both should be deleted. The person isn't notable and it's x-wiki spam. If any questions about the x-wiki spam, you can contact steward Billinghurst. Mbch331 (razgovor) 18:06, 19. rujna 2015. (CEST)[odgovori]

Riješeno Riješeno – checked & resolved! Maestro Ivanković 18:37, 19. rujna 2015. (CEST)[odgovori]
(-: Billinghurst (razgovor) 10:43, 20. rujna 2015. (CEST)[odgovori]

Article in Croatian on Lojban Wikipedia

[uredi kôd]

User:SpeedyGonsales or anyone else who knows English: Someone recently created an article, jbo:George Nick, on the Lojban Wikipedia, which Google Translate says is in Croatian. Let me know if you want to copy it here; otherwise, I'll delete it. KSFT (razgovor) 06:52, 30. travnja 2017. (CEST)[odgovori]

Delete it. The text is the software translation. Kubura (razgovor) 08:24, 30. travnja 2017. (CEST)[odgovori]

WikiScienceCompetition 2017

[uredi kôd]

Hi! Wiki Science Competition has started, sitenotices have appeared for sure in Spain, Austria, USA, Russian Federation and Ukraine, and Italy will be join very soon with a massive national campaign.

As a member of the academic committee I did my best to reduce the gap between countries both in the composition of the juries and now in the outreach. I did inform many platforms (enwiki, eswiki, frwiki) during the preparation of the event, now I am informing all national institutions, associations and federations of science and technology I can contact, especially those located in countries without national juries (so, also in Croatia) and I am posting notes on LinkedIn groups everyday... and so on. That's why I am here.

We started to prepare banners for many countries but on meta they say it is not wise to use them all, so if you want to use the style and do one here on your wiki for few days, just inform us.

Otherwise, if you have social media and you want to inform your friends and colleagues, the twitter hashtags are #WSC2017, #WikiScience2017, #WikiScience

Thank you in advance and whatever you do(join, inform, ignore) have fun!--Alexmar983 (razgovor) 08:57, 4. studenoga 2017. (CET)[odgovori]

OCB contest for freedom of press in Europe

[uredi kôd]

Hi. The m:Wiki4MediaFreedom_contest, organized by @Rossella_Vignola_(OBC) of the OCB Transeuropa of Rovereto, has started. The goal is to transalte and improve articles about the freedom of press. Target languages are English, Italian, Albanian, Bulgarian, Serbian, Croatian and Bosnian.

Some user groups in Easter and Southern Europe were informed, but I am not sure which one. Did it arrive at your village pump? If it didn't, could you please inform your community linking to the meta page. Thank you.--Alexmar983 (razgovor) 19:25, 24. svibnja 2018. (CEST)[odgovori]

Wikimedia Sustainability Initiative

[uredi kôd]

Hi all. Please help us to translate Sustainability Initiative on meta in your language and add your name to the list of supporters to show your commitment to environment protection. Let's spread the word! Kind regards, --Daniele Pugliesi (razgovor) 17:41, 28. studenoga 2018. (CET)[odgovori]

Michela Magas

[uredi kôd]

Hello, I recently wrote en:Michela Magas, about a Croatian woman. Perhaps someone would like to translate it? Pigsonthewing (razgovor) 17:15, 26. ožujka 2020. (CET)[odgovori]

Why approximately all my edit is undone or reverted? 17:43, 9. listopada 2020. (CEST)[odgovori]

Which edits? If there's a specific reverted edit you're concerned with, maybe you could explain what you wanted to achieve with it? --Neptune, the Mystic 18:05, 9. listopada 2020. (CEST)[odgovori]
all my edits ARE (being undone) - (I can only suppose) - All the best --Mark7747 (razgovor) 18:12, 9. listopada 2020. (CEST)[odgovori]