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Razgovor sa suradnikom:Metalowy: razlika između inačica

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Metalowy (razgovor | doprinosi)
Nema sažetka uređivanja
Oznake: mobilni uređaj
Metalowy (razgovor | doprinosi)
Nema sažetka uređivanja
Oznake: mobilni uređaj
Redak 119: Redak 119:

Jak Owen. It was my mistake. Sorry! [[Suradnik:Metalowy|Metalowy]] <small>([[Razgovor sa suradnikom:Metalowy|razgovor]])</small> 12:55, 25. siječnja 2021. (CET)
Jak Owen. It was my mistake. Sorry! [[Suradnik:Metalowy|Metalowy]] <small>([[Razgovor sa suradnikom:Metalowy|razgovor]])</small> 12:55, 25. siječnja 2021. (CET)

Ok. Here are some arcticles that still are not connected with Interwiki and since I can't do that now please do it for me.
Here they are: [[Suradnik:Metalowy|Metalowy]] <small>([[Razgovor sa suradnikom:Metalowy|razgovor]])</small> 10:14, 29. siječnja 2021. (CET)

Inačica od 29. siječnja 2021. u 11:14


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Metalowy, dobro došli na Wikipediju na hrvatskome jeziku, započetu 16. veljače 2003. godine – slobodnu enciklopediju!

Pozivamo vas na sudjelovanje u rastu ove svima dostupne enciklopedije na hrvatskome standardnom jeziku.

Ovdje su neke od stranica koje bi vam mogle pomoći:

  • Wikipedija − što je Wikipedija, povijest i organizacija projekta,
  • izvori − kako uspješno činiti Wikipediju boljom, te
  • slikeobvezno pročitati prije postavljanja bilo kakvih slika.

Ako želite vježbati možete to raditi na stranici za vježbanje, u slučaju da vam zatreba pomoć učinite sljedeće:

Svoje doprinose na člancima ne potpisujte, dok komentare na pripadajućim stranicama za razgovor, suradničkim stranicama i Kafiću molimo potpisujte tako što ćete pritisnuti gumbić ili na alatnoj vrpci ili napisati 4 tilde (tilda = 4x istovremeno tipke AltGr + tipka s brojem 1), što kod uređivanja izgleda ovako ~~~~.
Vlastitu suradničku stranicu (onu koja se zove "Suradnik:Metalowy") možete uređivati po svojoj želji u skladu s pravilima uređivanja suradničke stranice (npr. asketski ili šminkerski).

Molimo Vas, ne stavljajte zaštićene radove bez dopuštenja! Nemojte izravno kopirati sadržaje s drugih internetskih stranica ako nemate izričito dopuštenje. Ako imate dopuštenje, napišite to na stranici za razgovor ili jednostavno dodajte ovdje. No, obvezno to napravite prije nego započnete s pisanjem preuzetog teksta. Molimo uočite da se svi doprinosi Wikipediji smatraju dvojno licencirani, pod Creative Commons Imenovanje-Dijeli pod istim uvjetima 3.0 i GFDL licencijom. Ako ne želite da se vaše pisanje nemilosrdno uređuje i slobodno raspačava, nemojte ga ovamo slati. Također nam obećavate da ćete ono što ćete napisati sami napisati, ili ćete to prepisati iz nečeg što je u javnom vlasništvu ili pod sličnom slobodnom licencijom.

If you don't speak Croatian: This is a welcome message sent to new users of hr.wikipedia.

Još jednom, dobro došli! SpeedyGonsales 13:29, 30. kolovoza 2020. (CEST)[odgovori]


Molim te, dodaj interwiki na članak nakon što ga napišeš. --Leo 2020 (razgovor) 08:42, 31. kolovoza 2020. (CEST)[odgovori]

Several suggestions

Hey there!

Judging by your global contributions and seeing that your main Wikipedia project is, I'm going to assume that you might understand English better than Croatian.

Here's the deal: Take a look at this. These are things you might need to pay attention to as you write an article. First off: if you're writing an article about an album, be sure to add the template {{naslov u kurzivu}} to the top. This way the title of the article becomes italicized. Going on from there, since the first word in such articles is the title of the record as well, put 5 apostrophes on each side of the word or phrase to do the same. (Like this: '''''A Fallen Temple''''')

Next: The ordinal numerals in Croatian are as follows: prvi, drugi, treći, četvrti, peti, šesti, sedmi, osmi, deveti, deseti... And so on. We don't have inflectional suffixes like "-ij" at the end of those, so be mindful of that.

Following that, here's probably the most important advice: categorize the article. If you, for instance, decide to write about an album that was released in 2002 and was recorded by a Greek band, put these categories: [[Kategorija:Albumi iz 2002.]] and [[Kategorija:Grčki glazbeni albumi]]

If you need any more help, feel free to leave me a message on my talk page.

P. S., thank you for writing about metal --Neptune, the Mystic 12:42, 8. rujna 2020. (CEST)[odgovori]

Thank you. I'm from Poland so I'm not perfect in Croatian but I do what I can with those arcticles. Thank you for those suggestions. Metalowy (razgovor) 22:24, 10. rujna 2020. (CEST)[odgovori]

Minor fixes

Hello there again!

Get ready for another epic installment of suggestions!

I took the liberty of editing your article on Accept, as some things needed to be fixed stylistically. So, here you go.

Basically, when you write down discographies of bands (aka list studio albums), it is preferred to put two apostrophes on each side of the title, like this: * ''[[Blind Rage]]'' (2014.) This way the title of the record gets italicized (it's not really an obscure practice, does it as well).

Secondly, when you write down periods of time when someone was an active member of a band or something along those lines, you need to use the en-dash, not a hyphen. The difference is subtle, but noticeable. The hyphen (this thing: -) is used to connect two words, with no spaces between them (as in Two-faced); the en-dash (this thing: –) is used to connect two years, with space on both sides of the dash (as 1997. – 1999.) [and subordinate sentences too, but you needn't concern yourself with that for the time being]. You can find the en-dash below, right after the plus sign, during your editing process.

Lastly, in Croatian we (usually) don't write names of genres with capital letters, so it will be heavy metal, not Heavy metal or Heavy Metal.

All in all, if you're more of a visual type, this article can serve as your template for future articles, as everything that I just mentioned is put into practice there. Again, if you have any inquiries, drop me a line, I'll gladly help. --Neptune, the Mystic 13:24, 13. rujna 2020. (CEST)[odgovori]

Srdačan pozdrav, Koreanovsky (Ča–Kaj–Što?!) 14:02, 14. rujna 2020. (CEST)[odgovori]


Let me spare you this misery. You can't use hyperlinks to external pictures on Wikipedia. You can either upload your own here (however, I would rather you asked me or some other user to upload it for you, as copyright can be a bit confusing) or use a picture already uploaded to Wikipedia Commons, which you don't need to upload, you can just write the picture's title in the article or a template (like in this article). Nota bene, Wikipedia Commons does not contain album covers all that much.

If you still want an example of what information an album cover is supposed to contain, take a look at this. The key thing is that the picture can't be bigger than 300 x 300 pixels, as it is a copyrighted piece of work, and it can only remain on Wikipedia under the condition that its resolution is low. --Neptune, the Mystic 14:21, 27. rujna 2020. (CEST)[odgovori]


Hello, Metalowy.

It's come to my attention that you didn't connect this article to Wikidata. Please do so in the future. The only thing you need to do is to click on the pen in the lower left corner and enter the the appropriate language code and the title of the article in said language (in that order). If you need more detailed information, please refer to this. Thank you. --Neptune, the Mystic 18:29, 29. prosinca 2020. (CET)[odgovori]

This is the second time I need to remind you to connect articles to Wikidata. Please start doing that. This is the third time overall that you've been notified about this matter. --Neptune, the Mystic 13:56, 6. siječnja 2021. (CET)[odgovori]


You've been blocked for a day because you kept ignoring the messages on your talk page regarding interwiki links. Please take the time to read them carefully and feel free to ask if you need something explained further. Thank you for understanding. --Neptune, the Mystic 17:37, 6. siječnja 2021. (CET)[odgovori]

Thanks. I try to do something with Interwiki but still I don't understand how to do it correctly. Please help. Maybe write step by step how to do it. It would be helpful. Metalowy (razgovor) 15:28, 7. siječnja 2021. (CET)[odgovori]

I have read it. Thanks for sugestion. I will try what I can Metalowy (razgovor) 15:30, 7. siječnja 2021. (CET)[odgovori]

But I have one question. Is this possible to do on phone? If so how. 'Cause I saw that's in this way it's on computer. How to do it on phone Metalowy (razgovor) 15:41, 7. siječnja 2021. (CET)[odgovori]

Hi. Thanks for unblocking me. I have read qhat you've about interwiki. But I have a question. 'Cause the way you described is on computer and I my only way at the moment to create those arcticles is phone. Is there any way to connect page with interwiki on phone? Please answer. Metalowy (razgovor) 18:35, 7. siječnja 2021. (CET)[odgovori]

Hi! Currently it is not possible to add interwiki links on the phone. --Ivi104 (razgovor) 20:39, 7. siječnja 2021. (CET)[odgovori]

Ok. That's actualy why I have not done this. I tried but I've failed. Thanks for answer. Metalowy (razgovor) 22:20, 7. siječnja 2021. (CET)[odgovori]


Hi, check this how to add reference list. Cheers, --Dijabolični El 20:30, 7. siječnja 2021. (CET)[odgovori]


If you are going to add group members and albums for a group, feel free to open a category, like Kategorija:Godsmack, that I just opened. Also, please try to make infoboxes more readable. --Argo Navis (razgovor) 22:13, 7. siječnja 2021. (CET)[odgovori]

Alright. Thanks for suggestion. Metalowy (razgovor) 22:17, 7. siječnja 2021. (CET)[odgovori]

Jax Owster / Aleck Weben

I'm a bit confused here. Who is this article about, Jack Owen or Alex Webster? --Neptune, the Mystic 11:38, 25. siječnja 2021. (CET)[odgovori]

Jak Owen. It was my mistake. Sorry! Metalowy (razgovor) 12:55, 25. siječnja 2021. (CET)[odgovori]

Ok. Here are some arcticles that still are not connected with Interwiki and since I can't do that now please do it for me. Here they are: Metalowy (razgovor) 10:14, 29. siječnja 2021. (CET)[odgovori]