Wikipedija:Botovi/Zahtjevi za status
- en: Requests for the bot flag should be made on this page. This wiki uses the standard bot policy, and allows global bots. Other bots should apply below.
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Prije postavljanja novog zahtjeva, molimo vas pročitajte pravila za botove. Postavljanje zahtjeva: Umjesto
Interwiki botovi mogu napraviti 20-30 test izmjena (Interval: manje od 1 izmjene u minuti), ovo je samo za interwiki botove. Ako na rad bota nema prigovora od strane administratora ili birokrata, bot će dobiti zastavicu (status). |
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Before making new request, please read bot policy. Listing your bot here: Replace
Interwiki bots can make 20-30 test edits (Interval: less then 1 edit per minute); this is only for interwiki bots. If there is no objections from any sysop or bureaucrat, flag will be granted. |
Trenutačni zahtjevi / Current requests
[uredi kôd]zahtjev • doprinosi • brojač • otvoreni računi • evidencije • evidencija premještanja • evidencija blokiranja • evidencija bot-prava • dodijeli status
- Vlasnik: MGA73 (glavna Wiki • razgovor)
- Način rada: Manually Assisted
- Programski jezik:Pywikipedia
- Djelatnost: Complete en:Wikipedia:Image license migration by fixing the files in Kategorija:Wikipedia license migration candidates (763 files) per Wikipedija:Kafić/Pitanja_o_slikama#Nema_licence_+_migracija_licence.
- Vrijeme uređivanja: one time run
- Izmjene u intervalu od: Circa 5 seconds between edits
- Bot status na:A number of wikis per Special:CentralAuth/MGA73bot. Some flags were moved because task was completed. The name it use on Commons is MGA73bot2.
Dodatak:I have not made any edits yet. Text on Wikipedija:Botovi/Zahtjevi za status say only interwiki bots can make test edits? So will wait a few days before I make any test edits to either get an okay or at least other users a chance to comment first.
—MGA73 (razgovor) 23:15, 26. listopada 2024. (CEST)
- @MGA73 Apologies for the delay, I wasn't really active for the past few months and I didn't see your request in time. I see that your bot already has a bot flag on several wiki-projects, so, as far as I'm concerned, you're free to make several test edits before you're granted a bot flag on this project as well. Neptune 🕉 the Mystic 12:34, 8. prosinca 2024. (CET)
- Thank you Suradnik:Neptune, the Mystic. Suradnik:Ponor suggested on Razgovor_sa_suradnikom:Ponor#GFDL_license_migration that many of the remaining files in Kategorija:Wikipedia license migration candidates may not own work and so the GFDL may also not be correct. There are ~275 files left so the question is if we should just ignore that and mark the files as eligible or not-eligible depending on the time of upload or if the files should all be checked manually and deleted if there is no good source/author. If anyone would like to check the files we can see how many/few are left. But if there are noone that would like to check the files we might as well complete the license migration now. A third option is that someone scan the category and check the most unlikely own work files and then we fix the rest. Let me know what you both think before I start fixing files (and remove them from the category). —MGA73 (razgovor) 13:06, 8. prosinca 2024. (CET)
- @MGA73 Leave everything as it is, we cannot trust those license templates. It helps to have the files in their current category. ponor (razgovor) 14:16, 9. prosinca 2024. (CET)
- Okay! The 14 files on Suradnik:MGA73/Sandbox should be unused. An easy solution is just to delete those to bring the number of files down a bit. —MGA73 (razgovor) 18:00, 9. prosinca 2024. (CET)
- @MGA73 Leave everything as it is, we cannot trust those license templates. It helps to have the files in their current category. ponor (razgovor) 14:16, 9. prosinca 2024. (CET)
- Thank you Suradnik:Neptune, the Mystic. Suradnik:Ponor suggested on Razgovor_sa_suradnikom:Ponor#GFDL_license_migration that many of the remaining files in Kategorija:Wikipedia license migration candidates may not own work and so the GFDL may also not be correct. There are ~275 files left so the question is if we should just ignore that and mark the files as eligible or not-eligible depending on the time of upload or if the files should all be checked manually and deleted if there is no good source/author. If anyone would like to check the files we can see how many/few are left. But if there are noone that would like to check the files we might as well complete the license migration now. A third option is that someone scan the category and check the most unlikely own work files and then we fix the rest. Let me know what you both think before I start fixing files (and remove them from the category). —MGA73 (razgovor) 13:06, 8. prosinca 2024. (CET)
ZA LGTM. --Novak Watchmen (razgovor) 11:38, 9. prosinca 2024. (CET)
zahtjev • doprinosi • brojač • otvoreni računi • evidencije • evidencija premještanja • evidencija blokiranja • evidencija bot-prava • dodijeli status
- Vlasnik: Leaderboard (glavna Wiki • razgovor)
- Način rada: Automatic
- Programski jezik:Python
- Djelatnost: metawiki:Global reminder bot
- Vrijeme uređivanja: Continuous, but expected to edit rarely in practice.
- Izmjene u intervalu od: Once every month or so?
- Bot status na:See Special:CentralAuth/Leaderbot and metawiki:Global reminder bot/global
Dodatak:For meta:Global reminder bot - the bot will rarely run here, but this wiki requires explicit authorisation so putting it here. Please ping me in a response. The bot flag is NOT required.
ZA LGTM. --Novak Watchmen (razgovor) 13:42, 9. studenoga 2024. (CET)
PROTIV We rarely, if ever, grant temporary user rights. I do not see the need for this bot. ponor (razgovor) 14:22, 9. prosinca 2024. (CET)
- @نوفاك اتشمان and @Ponor - this bot was originally approved by @EPIC, however, due to Ponor's subsequent oppose, I've been told to remove this wiki from the opt-in set, which means that the bot will no longer run on this wiki until further notice. Leaderboard (razgovor) 10:35, 13. prosinca 2024. (CET)
- Confirming that I've told Leaderboard to remove hrwiki from the set of wikis the bot runs on. EPIC (razgovor) 10:43, 13. prosinca 2024. (CET)
- ... and I confirm that I notified steward EPIC concerning this new local development on before that. :D Novak Watchmen (razgovor) 11:24, 13. prosinca 2024. (CET)
- OK. Novak Watchmen (razgovor) 11:18, 13. prosinca 2024. (CET)
- Confirming that I've told Leaderboard to remove hrwiki from the set of wikis the bot runs on. EPIC (razgovor) 10:43, 13. prosinca 2024. (CET)
- @نوفاك اتشمان and @Ponor - this bot was originally approved by @EPIC, however, due to Ponor's subsequent oppose, I've been told to remove this wiki from the opt-in set, which means that the bot will no longer run on this wiki until further notice. Leaderboard (razgovor) 10:35, 13. prosinca 2024. (CET)
zahtjev • doprinosi • brojač • otvoreni računi • evidencije • evidencija premještanja • evidencija blokiranja • evidencija bot-prava • dodijeli status
- Vlasnik: Hijerovit (glavna Wiki • razgovor)
- Način rada: Manually Assisted
- Programski jezik: što god AWB koristi
- Djelatnost: manje izmjene (ispravci poveznica, zatipci i sl.)
- Vrijeme uređivanja: Kontinuirano
- Izmjene u intervalu od: 20 izmjena/min
- Bot status na:
@Dragi kolega, što se mene tiče, slobodno odradi nekoliko testnih izmjena (od deset do dvadeset je okej) i, pođe li sve kao po loju, dajem ti status. —Neptune 🕉 the Mystic 12:39, 8. prosinca 2024. (CET)
ZA LGTM. --Novak Watchmen (razgovor) 11:38, 9. prosinca 2024. (CET)
Riješeno Sve mi zasad izgleda kako treba, pa ti dajem status. Za sva pitanja, nedoumice, probleme... ne libi se pitati. Ugodan rad i oprezno vozi.
—Neptune 🕉 the Mystic 18:12, 9. prosinca 2024. (CET)
zahtjev • doprinosi • brojač • otvoreni računi • evidencije • evidencija premještanja • evidencija blokiranja • evidencija bot-prava • dodijeli status
- Vlasnik: Ivi104 (glavna Wiki • razgovor)
- Način rada: Automatic unsupervised
- Programski jezik: NodeJS
- Djelatnost: Automatsko ažuriranje stranica ({{Najčitaniji}}, Modul:Rasprava o brisanju/data)
- Vrijeme uređivanja: Uređivanja ROB svakih 6 sati, Najčitaniji jednom mjesečno, na korisnički zahtjev moguće i češće (obje stranice imaju gumb osvježi koji poziva bota). Uz to, mogući uzastopni složeni API pozivi (koji ne uređuju sadržaj projekta) više puta dnevno, ovisno o korisničkim interakcijama s webservisom
- Izmjene u intervalu od: oko 1 izmjena/6 sati
- Bot status na: (nema)
Dodatak: Bot će služiti kao zamjena za funkcije koje trenutno na Toolforgeu obnaša SUR:IviBot, sukladno principu jedinstvenih odgovornosti (SRP) objektnog dizajna. —Ivi104 11:26, 27. prosinca 2024. (CET)
ZA LGTM. --Novak Watchmen (razgovor) 11:55, 27. prosinca 2024. (CET)
Riješeno Mere.
—Neptune 🕉 the Mystic 20:03, 27. prosinca 2024. (CET)